Thursday, January 21, 2010

LINQ extension method to Capitalize string

LINQ extension method to Capitalize first letter of each word in a sentence:

public static string Capitalize(this string s)
    return s.ToCharArray().Aggregate(String.Empty,
      (currentWord, nextWord) =>
        currentWord.Length == 0 && nextWord != ' ' ? nextWord.ToString().ToUpper() : (
          currentWord.EndsWith(" ") ? currentWord + nextWord.ToString().ToUpper() :
            currentWord + nextWord.ToString()

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Return collection of anonymous type from method in LINQ

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Let’s say you have some method that execute a LINQ query over collection and constructs a collection of (new) anonymous type as result. Here is how you can return it and use it below the scope of the method:
public class Program
public static IEnumerable<T> GetExampleCollection<T>(T type)
// generate some random collection simulating source data
var random = new Random();
var collection =
Enumerable.Repeat(0, 100).Select(
i => new { ClientId = random.Next(), OrderId = random.Next(), Price = random.NextDouble() });

// run some linq query over it
var queryOverCollection = from item in collection
where item.ClientId % 2 == 0
select new { DoublePrice = item.Price * 2.0 };
IQueryable v = (from item in collection
where item.ClientId % 2 == 0
select new { DoublePrice = item.Price * 2.0 }).AsQueryable();

return queryOverCollection as IEnumerable<T>;

static void Main(string[] args)
// bring collection of anonymous type items from a method!
var v = GetExampleCollection(new { DoublePrice = new double() });
foreach (var item in v)
// ... and use it!

Note, that anonymous type is resolved on the assemble level, so you can’t reference it in another assembly.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

SQL connection string application name

Add “Application Name=My Application Name” to connection string to differentiate your connections (e.g. in SQL Profiler).
(it’s a self reminder post).