Sunday, December 11, 2005

Reading ini-file from C#

Here comes small utility class to read settings from old-fashioned-style .ini files
(general sketch only - it reparses file to read each setting):

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace CommonUtilities
/// <summary>
/// Parse settings from ini-like files
/// </summary>
public class IniFile
static IniFile()
_iniKeyValuePatternRegex = new Regex(
# key part (surrounding whitespace stripped)
# value part (surrounding whitespace stripped)
RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace |
RegexOptions.Compiled |
RegexOptions.CultureInvariant );
static private Regex _iniKeyValuePatternRegex;

public IniFile(string iniFileName)
_iniFileName = iniFileName;

public string ParseFileReadValue(string key)
using( StreamReader reader =
new StreamReader(_iniFileName) )
string line = reader.ReadLine();
Match match =
if( match.Success )
string currentKey =
match.Groups["Key"].Value as string;
if( currentKey != null &&
currentKey.Trim().CompareTo(key) == 0 )
string value =
match.Groups["Value"].Value as string;
return value;

while(reader.Peek() != -1);
return null;

public string IniFileName
get{ return _iniFileName; }
} private string _iniFileName;

[Listening to: Sax For Lovers - How Many Dreams]


Anonymous said...

Cool Thanks...

Unknown said...

Great! I tried and work "out of the box". Just so that others can test it quickly I added a Main function and a ini.txt file in c:\temp. This function can be placed just before public class IniFile:

public class test
static void Main(string[] args)
IniFile t = new IniFile(@"C:\temp\ini.txt");
String value;
value = t.ParseFileReadValue(@"URL");
Console.Write(value + "\n");
value = t.ParseFileReadValue(@"UserID");
Console.Write(value + "\n");

Anonymous said...

Just note that it is caseSensitive

Anonymous said...

Also doesn't seem to take comments into account.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot.. Its worked for me